To access your school or district's premium subscription and invite teachers, open the menu under your user avatar in the upper right-hand corner and click "Manage Users" (note that this option is not available on mobile devices).
Click the button that says "Add Users".
There are two options to invite your teachers to your organization's premium account:
- You can share the join link with your teachers. When teachers use the link to sign up for the first time, they'll get premium access. Teachers who have already created an account will automatically get premium access.
- To send an email invitation to your teachers, you can paste their email addresses (separated by commas, spaces or line breaks). Teachers will receive an email invitation. Teachers will get premium access when they sign up. Recommended: Invite your whole staff so that everyone knows they can now access Diffit premium.
You can see who has joined your organization's subscription by viewing you Diffit dashboard (link to article).
You can see who has joined your organization's subscription by viewing your Diffit dashboard (here is how to do this).